7 Smart health software tips for 2020
Every year, competition between health software providers heats up, with each offering a myriad of different features, payment models, installation time-frames and support services. And with so much choice on the market, it’s no wonder health professionals and practice managers are at a cross-roads when it comes to finding which systems best support their needs.
To help make the choice easier, here are some quick tips to help you decide which health software platform is right for you.
1. Not all two health booking systems are created equal
It might seem that on face value, most online patient booking systems offer the same features such as a digital booking interface, self check-in kiosks and recalls and reminders. However, in reality, the actual end-user experience, or patient experience can be completely different.
To find which system is right for you, choose a system that is intuitive, minimalist, easy to use and makes every ‘micro moment’ of the online booking process as easy as possible.

2. An innovative approach to your patient’s online experience
For medical practices that are commencing the build of their online presence or re-branding/building their online identity, a ‘standalone’ platform may not be enough. You may wish to choose an online patient booking provider that also offers you a wider website build and design service.
This will help you provide a seamless and integrated online experience for your patients, while building your web presence to attract even more patients to your practice.
3. It’s not just about ‘cost’ but the value
We all know that when it comes to software, cheaper is not always better. When comparing different providers, take a look at the hard facts. Do they have substantial evidence that demonstrates their software has actually helped significantly increase patient bookings, retention and enhance the patient experience? And if so, can they show the practices that are using their software are genuinely enjoying a return on their investment?

4. Look past ‘shiny promises’
Is your software provider spending more on their marketing than on improving the stability, features and security of their software? It’s very easy to be wowed and thrilled by ‘marketing polish’ – slick ad campaigns and highly engaging social media content.
But if this is at the expense of authentic, stable and reliable software, then start thinking about whether your software provider is genuinely concerned about your needs, or simply their own image.

5. Be wary of security red flags
Patient data breaches are extremely serious and have potential legal consequences for your practice, so be way if your provider has been involved in a national data breach, or has faced serious reputational damage. Be on alert as well if your software provider doesn’t offer regular software updates, which are designed to bolster security, clean up any bugs and fix security patches.
For peace of mind, choose a provider that has a squeaky clean reputation – especially when it comes to patient data security, privacy and confidentiality.

6. Watch out for salesy smear tactics
If a software company is contacting you trying to convince you to switch, by ‘bad-mouthing’ your existing provider, fire up the red alert.
Such bad behaviour from a software provider is extremely unethical and shows they are not interested in you, or care about your needs – but only interested in hard selling to you.
One example of such an email that warrants immediate action is this:
Smear email example
“I understand the life of the practice manager is very busy and its never a good time to have a chat.
My understanding is that you are using a different provider, they were fantastic a few years ago but things have changed and we’re constantly improving on feedback given to us.
There are a few key differences for why many clinics, that used your current provider in the past, have decided to use us.”
Importantly. if what they are claiming is false, defamatory, deceptive or misleading against your existing provider, contact the ACCC immediately.
7. Choose a trusted ‘partner’, not just a software ‘vendor’
Ultimately, choosing the right health software for your practice is all about finding that ‘perfect fit.’ Don’t settle for a provider that just sells you a ‘set and forget product.’ Rather, invest in a partner that offers you the right support, empathy and deeper understanding of the needs and challenges of your practice.
It’s all about choosing the right partner who knows what it takes to put your patients first, while helping reduce the friction points in your workflow, to support you and your team as your practice grows.
At Healthsite, we pride ourselves in being a trusted partner for all the clinics that we work with, and strive to create the best experience for your patients with a holistic digital solution that is premium, reliable and secure. For more information please contact us on (03) 9592 8986 or contact us here.