I consent to Beach Road Surgery & Skin Clinic collecting, using, storing and disposing of my personal information and releasing relevant information to other Health Professionals to allow quality medical care. In the case of workers compensation claims or pre-employment medical related consultations I consent to the release of relevant personal information to my employer, their authorized representatives and their insurers.
I consent to the inclusion on the Beach Road Surgery & Skin Clinic recall reminder register.
I acknowledge I may receive correspondence by telephone, post, email or sms for follow up visits requested by the doctor, appointment reminders, medical updates and health information from Beach Road Surgery & Skin Clinic.
I understand that all accounts must be paid at the time of the consultation.
I am responsible for all accounts of any children under the age of 16 years who I am listed as next of kin.
I have read and understood the Beach Road Surgery & Skin Clinic Full Privacy Policy available on website or provided to me with this form. I acknowledge that Beach Road Surgery & Skin Clinic charges a fee for nonattendance and late cancellations of less than 24 hours notice. I acknowledge that Beach Road Surgery & Skin Clinic is a Private Billing Practice.